Staying Informed During These Challenging Times.
As it has always been, safety and health remain RIDER EDUCATION of NEW JERSEY’S highest priority. With the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation evolving daily, RENJ urges everyone to seek and follow current guidelines from local and public health authorities, such as the WHO and CDC, to limit the spread of COVID-19.
- Staff and students who have symptoms of acute respiratory illness are recommended to stay home and follow CDC guidelines.
- Staff and students should follow CDC hygiene guidelines. (see chart) Consider and revise all non-essential practices that increase the risk of disease transmission. Students to provide their own personal gloves. We encourage use of personal helmets.
- Classrooms are maintained by school/facilities staff per CDC guidelines. Additionally RENJ staff to disinfect class supplies, motorcycles, and motorcycle safety equipment as needed.
Rider Education of New Jersey wishes everyone health and safety during this exceptionally challenging situation. Thank you for your continued support of our company.