Enjoy the Benefits of Choosing Our Services.
Learning the basic riding skills on the roads can be a dangerous adventure in a state as congested as NJ. Learning in a safe protected environment makes a lot more sense. We provide the motorcycles. Our ranges are closed off from regular traffic. Our instructors have a lot of experience teaching people how to ride. And there’s more too, read on.
The Hurt Study
The Hurt Study found that 92% of motorcyclists involved in accidents were untrained. They had learned to ride from a friend or relative. You can improve your odds by taking a course.

Road Test Waiver
Successful completion of the Basic RiderCourse waives the Road Test and Knowledge test at MVC for New Jersey residents as long as you have a valid NJ Auto License at the time of your course. Rider Education of New Jersey Inc. has been approved by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission to offer the New Jersey Motorcycle Safety Course. TWO POINT REDUCTION or 5% DISCOUNT ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE!!!
In 1994 we applied to the Division of Motor Vehicle to have our Experienced Rider Course (ERC) accepted as a defensive driving course. It was accepted with a few modifications to the curriculum. For those with points on their license this can count as a two point reduction defensive driving course. When signing-up, be sure to check the box that says: two-point reduction. You will do additional paperwork at the class. (2-pt reduction is only given once every five years). For those without points on their license, it can be used as a defensive driving course that qualifies you for a 5% discount on your car insurance. Please check with your insurance company as some insurance companies do not offer this discount.
Tuition Rebates
Many motorcycle manufacturers and dealers offer full or partial tuition refunds if you take a class within 6 months of buying a bike. Some offer other incentives. Ask your dealer about any programs available to you.